Support for Therapists, Coaches & Healers
You know how to offer your medicine to your clients and the people in your life for their wellbeing and transformation, but...
Who is doing this for you?
If you’re reading this, you may very well be a therapist, coach, or healer. If so, you’re used to being in the role of “helper” for others.
You know how to support and hold space for them. You know how to offer your medicine for their wellbeing and flowering.
You may also do this in other relationships in your life—with your partner, kids, parents, and friends.
And you may find yourself thinking at times, “But who is there for me?”
You may be so accustomed to supporting others that you don’t give yourself the permission to get that kind of catered support for yourself, for your feelings, experiences, and your unfolding.
Or you might even feel like you shouldn’t need this support yourself because “After all, you’re the healer,” and so, “you should know how to take care of yourself.”
This can leave you feeling:
burnt out
doubtful of your abilities
If you’re this person, let me gently but unequivocally tell you:
You absolutely deserve this support, too.
In fact, you’ll feel a whole lot better if you can set down your helper role and allow yourself to receive the kind of special focus, care, and attention that you so readily provide.
This is one of my specialties.
For 15 years, I’ve worked with women from all around the world who are therapists, coaches, and healers themselves.
Each client is unique. I cater my approach to fit your particular needs.
Clients say they love my flexibility in navigating through their various needs in any given session and over time.
They feel me “in there” with them knowing that “I get it” as I know the helper / helpee dynamic myself. They remark on how incredibly present and fluid I am with them, comfortable moving through whatever emotional state they’re in and whatever issues want attention.
Clients tell me my support is invaluable to them, both personally and professionally.
If this resonates with you, let's connect.
Don’t go without this vital support. Trust me, you deserve it.